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The ISC Maintenance Solutions have has been designed to work alongside Water Only Soils to provide a premium source of organic plant-available nutrients and growth promoters, which cannot be inbuilt into your Water Only Soils! Perfect for homemade soils where the inbuilt nutrition is poorly balanced, or for growers re-using their TurboDirt without re amending the soil with TurboCharge Compost or a dry amendment kit.

When it comes to growing mineral dense, nutrient rich fruit and flowers, nobody has you better covered than the Indoor Soil Company. We’ve searched high and low to bring together the absolute finest materials Australia has to offer and produced a soil of the highest quality, unsurpassed by our competitors.
With certified organic worm castings, compost, peat moss, perlite and pumice, no corners have been cut creating this premium soil. Our mix provides the perfect water holding capacity and drainage for fast root growth and a supportive environment for beneficial bacteria and fungi. This coupled with our 100% organic nutrients and beneficial bacteria, you won’t have to worry about feeding your plants during your entire grow.

Benfits of ISC TurboDirt Water only Soil

  • Ready to use, no need for lengthy “cooking” or composting!!
  • 100% organic ingredients
  • Water only, no need to fertilize
  • Grow organic, mineral rich & nutrient dense fruit & flowers
  • Made in Australia from Australian ingredients

How to Use ISC TurboDirt Water only Soil

As the name suggests, our water only soil contains all the nutrients required to grow and finish your plants within a 9-10 week cycle. This eliminates the need for expensive nutrient regimes. As all the nutrition your plants will require is already built into the soil, all you need to focus on is maintaining a strong population of beneficial bacteria.

To successfully replenish and nurture these bacteria simply inoculate your soil on alternating weeks with our Root Roids and Fruit Roids. By doing so you deliver millions of beneficial bacteria & fungi to your soil. This will help your plants withstand adverse conditions & stress from drought, and also suppress any pathogens that might be introduced to your growing area.

We suggest maintaining an even moisture within your growing containers for best results (moist, not wet). Constant wet and dry fluctuations can have adverse affects on your roots ability to uptake nutrients as it requires. The easiest approach for gardeners is to water your soil with a low pressure stream provided by a “pump sprayer pack”. These units are inexpensive and easy to clean. Most importantly they deliver your water evenly across the soils surface as you move the jet back and forth.

Alternatively for larger gardens, automatic gravity fed systems such as the well known Blumats, work extremely well. Other styles of growing such as Self Irrigated Planters and Earth Boxes, also have tremendous results with our Water Only Soil.

Why Use Dr Greenthumbs ISC TurboDirt Water only Soil

As the plants grow in the vegetative stage, P&K are often depleted to the point the flowering stage is drastically compromised. This demand for P&K will vary between cultivars and plant types, meaning the timing of dry amendments can be problematic. This is why we developed our 100% unique formulation to provide return driven results, often before never before experienced by organic gardeners! Formulated with an immune building, complementary suite of organic growth promoters that drive bud development and lateral growth.

Greatly increases the plant’s ability to biosynthesize (create from within biologically) essential oil and terpene complexes.

Provides plant available calcium at the most critical time of plant development. Often calcium is locked out at the flowering stage due to an increase in potassium. Our formulation avoids this problem and doesn’t lead to a deficient plant during the flowering cycle. It contains Triacontanol, micronized & fast-acting Guano + organic sources of potassium.


  • Particularly useful for plants that have become root bound during the flowering process, or to provide a fast-acting source of nutrition for depleted soils when repotting your plant isn’t an option.
  • Utilizes 100% Organic Ingredients!Please note these products are sold individually & in a convenient combo pack. Please see our multiple options before purchasing.
  • Promote vigorous vegetative growth & provide maximum nutrient availability with our Growth Maintenance Solution.
  • Naturally, stimulate soil health and increase resistance against pest and environmental factors.
  • Quickly & safely correct deficiencies that occur when plants have varying nutritional requirements amongst cultivars or species.
  • It provides key elements to promote soil health that cannot be added in a dry fertilizer form, or pre-built into Water Only soil.
  • Perfect for hydroponic gardeners looking for an organic additive to use with their base nutrients.
  • Consists of 100% Organic & ‘Premium Source’ amino acids, 90+ chelated micro & macronutrients, and 6 powerful plant-based growth hormones.
  • Includes fully stabilized silica for strong cell development & Humic + Fulvic acids for maximum nutrient availability.
  • Bloom Maintenance Solution Add increased levels of Phosphorous, Potassium, and Calcium that cannot be pre-built into a Water Only Soil.

Dr Greenthumbs Turbo Dirt - Water Only Living Soil Potting Mix

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