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Grow Turkey Tail mushroom at home and enjoy potential health benefits. Turkey Tail (TRAMETES VERSICOLOR) is a type of medicinal mushroom. Long used in traditional Chinese medicine, Turkey Tail is widely available in supplement form.


Turkey Tail Aussie Mushroom Kit | Aussie Mushrooms

- If you are not ready to start your mushroom kit, keep it in the fridge until you are ready, (or it will keep growing!).

- Pink oysters need to be used right away as they can not be stored in a fridge.


Turkey Tail Aussie Mushroom Details

Beautiful multicoloured mushroom. The Turkey Tail mushroom is largely know for it's medicinal properties and fantastic colours. 


Turkey tail is a very slow fruiter, so patience is needed when fruiting this kit

Growing Turkey Tail Aussie Mushrooms

Choice edible, medicinal usage and compounds, research


Turkey Tail Aussie Mushroom Characteristics

Multicoloured fruitbodies, antibacterial effects when consumed


Turkey Tail Mushroom Temperature Range

Medium Low 8-23°C fruiting temperature


More about Aussie Mushrooms

Aussie mushroom bags are made fresh to order in Australia with careful stock control to ensure the product arrives as fresh as possible. They are a small family-owned and run business predominantly specialising in quality Australian manufactured and packaged products.


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